Monday, January 8, 2007

How to stop yourself from unhelthy food

My previous diets have failed many times due to improper eating of food. Yet, this time, I am doing a lot better than my previous attempts.

Here are my tips!

  1. Eat a fruit (tomatoe is good) and drink a cup of water befor the meal.
  2. Keep thinking about your "future" body that you will get by not eating the unhealthy food in front of you.
  3. If you are in the middle of the diet, think about the previous days where you have been doing so well on controlling your appetite. If you did it yesterda, you can do the same things at the moment.
  4. Give yourself some times (about ten minutes) before you start your second meal. After finishing your "clean and healthy" meal, many of you might feel hungry. Yet, do not jump on eating another food or dish. Drink a cup of water. Start talking or read something. Wait ten minutes or so. Then, think again about eating!
  5. Think about all those time you have spent in the gym. For me, running on the treadmill is so hard. For examle, if I run for twenty minutes, I will probably burn about 350 calories, which is equivalent to a can of soda. Why waste your time and sweat by drinking a can of soda? If you had a good work out, keep it up by eating a healthy food. Don't ruin it by the junk foods.
  6. Keep a food journal. I use a very small 3x5 notebook where I write down my foods intake. By writing down, you constantly remind yourself that you need to stay away from the unhealthy foods.

Well, that's it. I hope you guys can benefit from this list. Hey, do you have anything to share? Let me know!

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